The One Step Teen Center is our home base for all of our after-school programming. Youth membership is always FREE for the youth and their family. The center is open 1 pm - 7 pm, Monday through Friday during the school year and throughout the summer to provide a safe place for teens ages 13-19.
The Teen Center provides:
- Daily hot meals
- Homework assistance
- Mentoring
- Recreation (free Wi-Fi, PS4, board games, pool table, ping pong)
- Free music lessons (piano, drums & guitars available for teen use)
- Field trips (museums, parks, concerts, college trips)
- Leadership development
- Job skills development & onsite employment opportunities
- Opportunities for service to the community (food pantry, river & bike path cleanups)
- Health education
- Art classes
- Free counseling available on site for qualifying teens
One Step Teen Center Code of Conduct and Expectations:
- Platinum Rule: “treat others as they would like to be treated”
- Behave in a respectful manner with each other, staff, volunteers, and visitors.
- Be courteous and use appropriate language.
- Build each other up; do not put each other down, even if meant in a playful way.
- Use inclusive language and honor others’ self-identifications, no negative slurs or name calling.
- Treat the facility and equipment with care.
- Respect all property belonging to you, other people and the One Step Teen Center.
- Clean up after yourself; leave it better than you found it
- Do not access inappropriate websites on One Step computers or while using One Step Wi-Fi
- Do not post pictures of, or live-stream anyone else, without their permission; this includes someone else’s background conversation; no negative or bullying posts of any kind from the One Step Teen Center, whether on personal devices or ours.
- Honor differences, stay engaged and involved.
- Youth must sign in and out DAILY; only allowed one-in and one-out per day.
- Have fun and participate as much as you can.